La nueva movilidad urbana

Uber’s technology is transforming urban mobility. My children may never need to own a car—and they’ll certainly never be forced to make the choice between drinking or driving. Nor will my parents have to choose between maintaining their independence and their safety. More than that, Uber is making access to transportation more equal, and that can really help improve society. Today, millions of people are stuck in transit deserts—unable to afford the luxury of a car or a home near the subway. I know this firsthand from my work with our foundation in India: we had to arrange a special bus to get underprivileged students to and from school. Uber is helping to change that by enabling mobility for everyone.

La cita no es mía, sino del blog personal de Amit Singhal. Él era Head of Search en Google, ahora es SVP Engineering en Uber. Relacionado: La movilidad concebida como servicio.